Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Little Diversion

Dang it's been a while since I've made time for this... There's been a lot going on though.  You know, the holidays, a kitchen remodel, oh yeah and my daughter was born. 

Webb Avenue
I've struck out a few times for short rides.  One place I visited and was totally surprised by was the Webb Wildlife Center, WMA.  I spent about an hour or so driving through.  I was just awe struck by the beauty of the property, and enjoyed the dirt roads.  I hear the birding is excellent here.  Plant geeks will find plenty of interest too.  I'll have to plan a return visit when I can spend some real time, and do some serious photography.  You should plan to visit too.

Horse Pasture Road

I've been working on the bike some too.  I've figured out the storage thing.  The Tiger and I are well acquainted at this point.  I've found many new roads to explore.  Look for more soon, until then here's a sample of some local dirt.

Middle of Nowhere, SC